
Usage: tagrenamer [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY]/

  --version            show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -d, --dry-run        Perform a dry run and don't touch anything.
  -f F, --format=F     The format in which filenames will be rewritten.
  -l L, --leftovers=L  The directory where non-music files will be moved to.
  -S S, --stagedir=S   Temporary directory before music hits its final spot.
  -s, --shell          Generate and print shell commands (implies -q and -d)
  -q, --quiet          Silence non-debugging output completely.
  -v, --verbose        The level of logging verbosity.


Report the application version:

$ tagrenamer --version
tagrenamer 0.0.3


Test if the renames will succeed without touching files:

$ tagrenamer --dry-run Music/
- Tagrenamer version 0.0.3.
- Leftovers directory '__LEFTOVERS/' created.
- Stage directory '__STAGE/' created.
- Traverse the collection and extract music tags.
- Validating tag input and sanitizing variables.
- Moving non music files to '__LEFTOVERS/'.
- Moving music to new tree in stage directory '__STAGE/'.
- Remove empty directories (except stage/leftover directories).
- Move everything from stage into the final location.
- Deleting the temporary stage directory '__STAGE/'.
- Deleting the empty leftovers directory '__LEFTOVERS/'.
- DONE! Processed 11 files.

Combine with -vvvvv to see how the structure looks like.


Name the leftovers directory differently:

$ tagrenamer --leftovers='garbage' Music/
- Tagrenamer version 0.0.3.
- Leftovers directory 'garbage/' created.
- Stage directory '__STAGE/' created.
- Traverse the collection and extract music tags.
- Validating tag input and sanitizing variables.
- Moving non music files to 'garbage/'.
- Moving music to new tree in stage directory '__STAGE/'.
- Remove empty directories (except stage/leftover directories).
- Move everything from stage into the final location.
- Deleting the temporary stage directory '__STAGE/'.
- Deleting the empty leftovers directory 'garbage/'.
- DONE! Processed 36 files.


Name the temporary staging directory differently:

$ tagrenamer --stagedir='.tmp' Music/
- Tagrenamer version 0.0.3.
- Leftovers directory '__LEFTOVERS/' created.
- Stage directory '.tmp/' created.
- Traverse the collection and extract music tags.
- Validating tag input and sanitizing variables.
- Moving non music files to '__LEFTOVERS/'.
- Moving music to new tree in stage directory '.tmp/'.
- Remove empty directories (except stage/leftover directories).
- Move everything from stage into the final location.
- Deleting the temporary stage directory '.tmp/'.
- Deleting the empty leftovers directory '__LEFTOVERS/'.
- DONE! Processed 36 files.


Generate a list of shell commands that you can manually review and paste into your terminal. Enabling --shell also implies --quiet and --dry-run and will never touch your files:

$ tagrenamer --format='{artist}/{album} - {title}.{ext}' --shell Music/
mkdir -v "Music/__LEFTOVERS"
mkdir -v "Music/__STAGE"
mkdir -v "Music/__STAGE/rammstein"
mv -v "Music/spieluhr.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - spieluhr.mp3"
mv -v "Music/links 2 3 4.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - links 2 3 4.mp3"
mv -v "Music/ich will.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - ich will.mp3"
mv -v "Music/sonne.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - sonne.mp3"
mv -v "Music/rein raus.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - rein raus.mp3"
mv -v "Music/nebel.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - nebel.mp3"
mv -v "Music/adios.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - adios.mp3"
mv -v "Music/zwitter.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - zwitter.mp3"
mv -v "Music/mein herz brennt.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - mein herz brennt.mp3"
mv -v "Music/mutter.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - mutter.mp3"
mv -v "Music/feuer frei.mp3" "Music/__STAGE/rammstein/mutter - feuer frei.mp3"
mv -v "Music/__STAGE/rammstein" "Music/rammstein"
rm -Rv "Music/__STAGE"
rm -Rv "Music/__LEFTOVERS"


Suppress all normal output:

$ tagrenamer --quiet Music/
└── rammstein
    └── mutter
        ├── rammstein-1777b3a4c02565cec36c3e5f71f40102.mp3
        ├── rammstein-2ec6d3d6fc625fa6ea93ae283175f13c.mp3
        ├── rammstein-5bd7b80dbc746b409bc8a6093b65d1c3.mp3
        └── rammstein-f3bd509bc5c6d5dd2968695d12293f09.mp3

-v (debugging)

Tagrenamer ships with a very detailed debugging facility and this verbosity is controlled using the -v parameter. The number of v’s you pass, determines the verbosity level which follows the debt of the processed collection tree:

$ tagrenamer --dry-run --quiet -vvvvv Music/
00:07:58  <__main__>
00:07:58  <Collection.__init__>
00:07:58  <Collection.initializeDirectories>
00:07:58  <Directory.exists>               __LEFTOVERS
00:07:58  <Directory.mkdir>                __LEFTOVERS
00:07:58  <Directory.exists>               __STAGE
00:07:58  <Directory.mkdir>                __STAGE
00:07:58  <Collection.traverse>
00:07:58  <Directory.traverse>          Music
00:07:58  <Directory.exists>            Music
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    spieluhr.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    'links 2 3 4.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    'ich will.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    sonne.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    'rein raus.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    nebel.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    adios.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    zwitter.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    'mein herz brennt.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    mutter.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.extract>                    'feuer frei.mp3'
00:07:58  <Collection.sanitize>
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    spieluhr.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    'links 2 3 4.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    'ich will.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    sonne.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    'rein raus.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    nebel.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    adios.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    zwitter.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    'mein herz brennt.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    mutter.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.sanitize>                    'feuer frei.mp3'
00:07:58  <Collection.moveLeftovers>
00:07:58  <Collection.moveMusicToStage>
00:07:58  <Directory.mkdirs>
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    spieluhr.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    'links 2 3 4.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    'ich will.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    sonne.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    'rein raus.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    nebel.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    adios.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    zwitter.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    'mein herz brennt.mp3'
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    mutter.mp3
00:07:58  <MusicFile.move>                    'feuer frei.mp3'
00:07:58  <Collection.removeEmptyDirectories>
00:07:58  <Collection.moveFilesPermanently>
00:07:58  <Collection.removeStageDirectory>
00:07:58  <Directory.remove>                __STAGE
00:07:58  <Collection.removeLeftoversDirectory>
00:07:58  <Directory.remove>                __LEFTOVERS
00:07:58  <Collection.finish>


Use --format to specify how your music folder should be organized.

Default format: hash-based naming

The default behavior leverages unique MD5 hashes for large multi-terabyte music collections and favors naming compatibility over readable filenames:


└── rammstein
    └── mutter
        ├── rammstein-1777b3a4c02565cec36c3e5f71f40102.mp3
        ├── rammstein-2ec6d3d6fc625fa6ea93ae283175f13c.mp3
        └── rammstein-5bd7b80dbc746b409bc8a6093b65d1c3.mp3

Conventional three-level


└── rammstein
    ├── mutter
    │   ├── rammstein-adios.mp3
    │   ├── rammstein-feuer frei.mp3
    │   ├── rammstein-ich will.mp3
    │   └── rammstein-zwitter.mp3
    ├── rosenrot
    │   ├── rammstein-benzin.mp3
    │   ├── rammstein-ein lied.mp3
    │   └── rammstein-feuer und wasser.mp3
    └── sehnsucht
        ├── rammstein-alter mann.mp3
        ├── rammstein-bestrafe mich.mp3
        ├── rammstein-bueck dich.mp3
        └── rammstein-tier.mp3

Two-level artist-only folders


└── rammstein
    ├── mutter-adios.mp3
    ├── mutter-feuer frei.mp3
    ├── mutter-zwitter.mp3
    ├── rosenrot-benzin.mp3
    ├── rosenrot-ein lied.mp3
    ├── rosenrot-feuer und wasser.mp3
    ├── sehnsucht-alter mann.mp3
    ├── sehnsucht-bestrafe mich.mp3
    └── sehnsucht-tier.mp3

Put it all in one folder because I’m crazy!

{artist}:{album} - {title}.{ext}

├── rammstein:mutter - adios.mp3
├── rammstein:mutter - feuer frei.mp3
├── rammstein:mutter - ich will.mp3
├── rammstein:rosenrot - benzin.mp3
├── rammstein:rosenrot - ein lied.mp3
├── rammstein:rosenrot - feuer und wasser.mp3
├── rammstein:sehnsucht - alter mann.mp3
├── rammstein:sehnsucht - bestrafe mich.mp3
└── rammstein:sehnsucht - tier.mp3